Mittwoch, April 13, 2005


Indrek Neivelt verlässt Hansapank.
Für manche der wichtigste Wirtschaftsboss in Estland. Die Zeitung Äripäev bezeichnete ihn einmal als "influential human computer".

30.03.2001 Äripäev
Head of Hansabank Indrek Neivelt has been referred to as a somewhat cold human computer, a one-man institution, a future-visionary and of course of the most influential people in Estonia.
But these are sentimental utterances or myth, as Neivelt himself says. "Yes, I still am a human computer. I calculate in my head. Well, not the bank's balance sheet, but in orders of magnitude, yes," Neivelt says with pride and recommends mental arithmetic to other heads of companies.
It's a fact that Indrek Neivelt, a 34-year-old who has been at the helm of Hansabank for only a little over two years is, according to the survey of the heads of the companies of the Äripäev TOP 100, the most influential and valued company director in Estonia. And it's a fact that his company is valued just as highly.
"The fact that Hansabank is the most influential does not honestly surprise me, but the fact that I am the most influential company director surprises me indeed," Neivelt says for some reason modestly. It is true that he has clearly attempted to keep a so-called low profile in public life, perhaps that is the reason for the surprise? "Well, you could say that," Neivelt admits.

Wie es sich für einen Esten gehört, sagte er damals ausserdem:

I have a very clear principle - I speak when I have something to say.

Der Rücktritt verstärkt die Sorgen in Estland, inwieweit Hansapank bald noch von den eigenen Mitarbeitern geprägt sein wird. Die Spitze hat sich bereits verabschiedet.

Und ebenso kurz kommt seine aktuelle Stellungnahme zur seiner Zukunft:

"Ich weiss nicht, was passieren wird"

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