Vor Monaten hatten wir ein Foto von Kari Smolander veröffentlicht, hier ein weiteres aus dem Osten Estlands. Nun gehören diese beiden zu einer Ausstellung unter anderem über "Narva-Land".
Narvan mailla - valokuvia itäisestä virosta
Galleria Pihatto, Lappeenranta 14.–31.12.2010, Valtakatu 80/Kaukaankatu 2, 53130 Lappeenranta, avoinna: ti-pe 11-16, la-su 11-15 (galleria suljettu 24. - 27.12.)
Pekka Kettunen, http://piennar.net
Wer es nicht bis zur Ausstellung schafft, hier ein Fotoset:
Exhibition in Lappeenranta, Galleria Pihatto, 14 – 31 Dec 2010, with Pekka Kettunen. My set of photos in the show are below. The description of the exhibition is below the photos and also in Finnish, myös suomeksi.
Kari Smolander, http://smoltron.net/portfolio/narva-land/
...We did two trips in October 2009 and May 2010 to Narva and its environment. Our objective was to capture the remains from the history of this almost completely Russian-speaking region that is now a part of the EU. We visited the holiday paradise of Soviet pioneers and working heroes in the beaches of Narva-Jõesuu. We saw the remains of heavy industry created by the oil shale and the Soviet architecture in the industrial towns of Narva, Kohtla-Järve and Sillamäe. ...
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