Montag, August 27, 2007

Cyberwar - Wired Magazine berichtet

Das Estlandblog hat die Untersuchungen zu den Internetangriffen in und um Estland seit April/Mai verfolgt.

Einen Blick hinter die Kulissen, wie es vor den Computerbildschirmen der Zeitung Postimees oder des Verteidigungsministeriums zuging, als die Server zusammenbrachen, schildert ausführlich das Magazine Wired, ein Auszug aus dem Artikel von Joshua Davis:

The script kiddies were stoked into a fervor on Russian-language chat rooms. First they were goaded by overheated rhetoric about the April 27 removal of the statue. A week later, hundreds of posts called for a coordinated attack at the stroke of midnight on May 9, the day Russia celebrates its World War II victory. "You do not agree with the policy of eSStonia???" demanded a user named Victoris on a Russian online forum. "You may think you have no influence on the situation??? You CAN have it on the Internet!"

Im selben Magazin antwortet Kevin Poulsen mit "'Cyberwar' and Estonia's Panic Attack". Er kritisiert scharf die politische Rethorik, die den DDos-Atacken folgte.

While cooler heads were combating the first wave of Estonia's DDoS attacks with packet filters, we learn, the country's defense minister was contemplating invoking NATO Article 5, which considers an "armed attack" against any NATO country to be an attack against all. That might have obliged the U.S. and other signatories to go to war with Russia, if anyone was silly enough to take it seriously.

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