Dienstag, November 28, 2006

Der erste Staatsbesuch

Noch nie war ein amtierender amerikanischer Präsident in Estland, das historische bei diesem Ereignis überwiegt. Nicht so sehr, welche Politik die jetzige US-Regierung betreibt.
Und ein estnischer Präsident, Hendrik Ilves, kann in Augenhöhe seine Sicht der Weltpolitik schildern:
The Estonian leader said Russia "seems to treat democracy on its borders, be it Estonian, Ukrainian, Georgian, as a security threat and sees despotism on its borders -- Turkmenistan, Belarus -- as being a good thing as it represents stability. . . . That kind of view is not one which is very conducive and helpful to the security situation on our continent."

Ilves is one of several Baltic leaders who spent large chunks of their lives in North America; Bush will also meet with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, who was a professor of psychology at the University of Montreal. Ilves was born in Sweden to Estonian exiles and moved to the town of Leonia, in northern New Jersey, at age 3.

Washington Post.

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